5 Ways to Restart your LIFE with NOTHING

4 min readAug 24, 2020


Restart your LIFE!

“COMPLICATIONS” — Most of the people, typically wish no longer to hear this word in many situations.

When our in-laws are unable to comprehend us, instantly, life became problematic in many ways. During our interview process, most people will get disappointment, and finally, during the loan process, many of the applications get rejected.

Pathetic Right!.

At least once in our lifetime, we might have crossed these situations. Everything we could ever need for life has given by God’s divine power. We have the healing power in us.

We should understand the fact of yesterday’s sufferings is no longer dwelling in our lives today. Today’s sufferings will no longer proceed tomorrow and each morning we wake up with new potential.

First way: Accept yourself!

Even though the phrase is familiar, how many of us are seeking to accept ourselves. Generally, we are underestimating our ability and no longer attempting to evaluate it. The barriers are everywhere, and we are always looking for our convenience. Eventually, that is the problem with all the problems.

I’m understanding it means people are not going to get a job by sitting in a place and waiting for it to happen inside our comfort zone.

For instance, We need a job if you are thrilled to get a job by sitting in a place.

If I am getting right away rejected in job interviews if I am weeping, or blaming myself as an unlucky person, will I get the job back? No. We have to discover the reasons behind it, and we need to analyze the errors we had done during our interview process.

Try to accept your mistakes and impotence, try to recover your flaws.

Second way: Stop questioning about the same!

Perpetually we think about the same. For instance, if anybody neglects, we are completely freaked out. Stop reacting to these silly freak outs. Sitting in the same place and wondering about the identical aspect will never change the situation. Eventually, it will confuse us desperately.

Give up your thinking instead of giving up your positivity.

Third fact— Not planning in the hardest situation!

“Life is 10 percent what occurs to you and 90 percent how you reply to it.” -Charles Swindoll

Dealing with a bad scenario is like walking in the graveyard.

I know it sucks!

React to your situation sooner. Don’t hold back your emotion, it will engross you in a devastating situation. Instead of that, change your feelings in a better way.

Do you think that the world is going to give up because of our pathetic situation?

Definitely no.

If God gave you a better situation like a prestigious job or a pleasant relationship. Will you get satisfied?


It is human nature, we will never and ever get satisfied with what we have with us. Try to change your view and get satisfied with it.

Fourth way: Not trusting the relationship!

How many of them are having a hassle with maintaining relations?

Mostly, 90% of people are struggling to keep the relationship, and 10% of people are no longer caring about relationships.

Most of us are no longer trying, understanding, and not matured enough to cope with the situation.

If you are not matured, simply act like you are matured. Perhaps, just hold your calmness every time, don’t lose your temper for any cause in any place. Eventually, calmness is vital in our life. No offense!

Throwing undesirable words in many situations will make the scenario worse. Indeed, people will not forget the words. They will pretend that they forget. In reality, they are not.

Follow your Dreams

Fifth Fact: Feelings have nothing to do with it!

Are you stressed that you don’t have anything?

Was anyone born with anything or did anyone leave the world with their assets? No right!

Whenever you fall, simply assume you got here with nothing, but you survived still. How? Its survival.

OK, let us commence with an example,

The lion is chasing you. What will you do? You will run for your life or blame that “I am not P.T. Usha”. You will run like hell. That is survival. Buddies, we have a sixth sense, do not misuse it, try to use it wisely.

Every trouble is born with a solution.

Whenever you sense that you are defeated, you are no longer defeated through the situation or problem. You are defeated through your feelings.

Again, start over. You will not be an idiot this time. Close your eyes, play your favorite melody playlist. Think! Think! Try to re-schedule it or ask for experienced people’s ideas.

Track the problem and your conclusion! Even, if you are too depressed about the situation, and not in the mood to hear a song, or no longer feeling like discussing it with others.

Wait for the next day.

If you cannot sleep. No problem!

Close your eyes. Dream, for your future desire. Dream of you as the real you.

It works. Try to be an idealistic player.

Failure would be much less terrifying if rejection didn’t count anymore.

Developing and managing the failure or situation will increase our integrity and strength. Most of the time, most of us are getting difficult paths to cross. Stop blaming you or others. Start to eradicate your problem.

According to the World Health Organization, many young humans are struggling with serious depression or nervousness disorders.

“Every time we see our true ourselves in the dream, proceed with your dream, one day you will end up the character you dream about yourself”.



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